F&A Recognition Committee
The Recognition Committee is comprised of at least one representative from each division within Finance & Administration. Committee members are appointed by the associate vice presidents of the respective units and serve at least one year.
The Recognition Committee was formed in 2004 and charged with developing a program to recognize staff for their years of service. At the time the committee began its work, a few individual programs existed within Finance & Administration units, but there was no formal, unified program for all staff. In 2006, the first Recognition Ceremony and Ice Cream Social were held. The committee also had recommended the institution of a merit award program, and the first merit awards were presented at the 2007 Recognition Ceremony.
Since that time, the committee has initiated several other recognition events and projects such as a luncheon for all merit award finalists and honorees with 30 or more years of service; a merit award breakfast to honor all merit award nominees; the installation of rotating staff photos and a staff spotlight on the Finance & Administration Web site; and an occasional movie night for Finance & Administration staff members and their families.
Kim Eberhart
Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration
Leslie Rogers
University Human Resources
Wisdom Attipoe, Auxiliary Services IT