To align space allocation in a fair and transparent manner while simultaneously addressing the university’s strategic goals, the Provost leads a standing space allocation recommendation committee and the committee reviews requests on a quarterly basis.
Requests for space should be sent to Space Management through the Request for Allocation of Space form. Requests, at a minimum, should include a justification of the programmatic needs, estimates of funds required for renovations (if needed), and the source(s) of funding for both renovation and moving costs. The request must be approved by the unit department head or director and the dean or vice president and forwarded to Space Planning & Management.
Space Planning & Management will work directly with the requesting unit to address any questions or concerns prior to presenting the information to the Provost for conceptual consideration and presentation to the committee. If conceptual consideration is approved, Space Planning & Management may be tasked with further investigation. Following committee recommendation and final approval by the Provost and the President, Space Planning & Management will coordinate space allocation and assignment changes with the respective department(s).
The office is also available to assist and consult with campus units on general space planning needs including, but not limited to, the evaluation of current space assignments and any potential increases in space utilization that may be achievable within the assignments.
Space Management & Management
1180 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602-3880