Finance and Administration Merit Awards

2024 Outstanding Teams

Congratulations to the 2024 Outstanding Teams! Team captains from each of the four Outstanding Teams were honored on stage during the 19th Annual F&A Staff Recognition Ceremony held on Thursday, May 18, 2024 in the Hodgson Hall, Performing Arts Center. Each team captain was presented with their Outstanding Team Poster consisting of a team photo and verbiage from the nomination submitted on their team’s behalf.

outstanding teams 2024
L to R: Dawn Cowart (Procurement), Sammy Johnson (Dining Services), Jacob McGinley (Auxiliary Services), Reid Ferrero (Facilities Management Division) 
Awarded to a group of two or more Finance & Administration staff members who have come together to serve the mission of the University and have demonstrated how their collective accomplishments are far greater than what we can attain alone. Teams may include staff members and collaboration internal to or with units outside of Finance & Administration. These teams have quietly created meaningful and positive change in the way commitments are delivered. Nominees demonstrate how YOU + ME - WE ELEVATE THE G!
2024 Outstanding Teams:
Dining Facilities Maintenance Team, Auxiliary Services
Parking Gate Implementation Team, Auxiliary Services
UGA Procurement Department, Finance Division
Stegman Coliseum Ceiling Rehabilitation Team, Collaboration with FMD, OUA, ESD, OVPFA, and UGA-Athletics
you and me