Here you will find some of the most frequently asked questions about facilities.

What types of services are provided by Facilities Management Division - FMD?

A. FMD is responsible for the routine maintenance and repair of buildings, grounds and infrastructure in the Resident Instruction spaces across the campus. The departments within FMD that help accomplish these tasks are:

  • Operations and Maintenance – responsible for providing routine maintenance and repair of buildings and systems including air conditioning and refrigeration, electrical, elevator, heating and plumbing roofing, carpentry, key requests and door repairs, ceiling tile, fire alarm, interior and exterior lighting, upholstery and numerous other trades type work;
  • Landscape and Grounds Maintenance – includes lawn and plant maintenance, tree and limb removal as well as roads and sidewalk maintenance;
  • Services – includes building / custodial services, support services for moves, pest control, event rental items and setup, surplus pickup, refuse removal including recycling and the UGA Auto Repair and Rental Center;
  • Energy Services – manages all campus utilities and the billing for these services; various infrastructure projects; provides Call Before You Dig 811 Service Center for UGA projects.
How do I turn in a corrective maintenance work order? How do I know it was received?

For emergency type requests, please call the FMD Work Management Center at 706-542-7456 from 7:30 am – 5:00 pm or the UGA Police at 706-542-2200 after hours or on the weekend. Emergency calls are those that involve potential threat or damage to life or property (gas leaks, alarms, water leaks, roof leaks etc.).

For routine requests FMD has an on-line Work Order system FMD Work Order Request that is available to all UGA faculty and staff. Other options are to call the Work Management Center or email them at [email protected]. The Work Management Center team will retrieve the work orders and assign the work order to a shop for execution. The shop will place it in queue for completion. The requestor will receive an email once the work order has been established and they can also track the status of the work order by logging back into the Work Request site and clicking on their work order number. If the request was a maintenance or customer request type work order, the requestor will be notified once the work is complete, and they will also receive a link to a brief survey asking about the quality of the repair or service.

For Student Housing Residential Community buildings, residents may submit a work request online at Residence Community Work Order Request or call 706-542-3999 to report a problem.

What do I do when my classroom, lab or office is too hot or too cold? How do I change the thermostat setting for my office?

Contact the Work Management Center and they will contact the appropriate FMD shop to respond. The number is 706-542-7456. UGA and Energy Services has established campus-wide criteria for air conditioning and heating settings. If you need an exception, please contact the Work Management Center.

Our department has some old furniture and files that we want to get rid of. Will FMD haul it away, and is there a charge?

Please contact the Work Management Center at 706-542-7456 and they will setup a work order for Support Services to contact you. There is a charge to the department making the request. Please visit the FMD website for more information.

We would like to have our carpets cleaned. Does Building Services do this and will there be a cost?

Carpets are cleaned annually or if heavily soiled at no cost to the department. If you have a special request, contact the Work Management Center and they will have someone contact you.

How do I find out about campus signage?

FMD is charged with maintaining the UGA Uniform Sign Program for exterior wayfinding and building identification signage. FMD also maintains interior room identification and wayfinding signage. If you need assistance with campus standard signage, contact the Work Management Center and they will have someone contact you. Requests for temporary banner signage are managed by the Division of Marketing and Communications. Requests for donor recognition and memorial signage are managed by the Division of Development and Alumni Relations with support from FMD and/or OUA.

For signage that does not fall within these categories, contact Campus Planning at 706-542-3605.

Who do I contact relative to sidewalk conditions?

If you want to report a trip hazard, contact the Work Management Center. If you are calling in reference to handicap accessibility, please contact the Disability Resource Center at 706-542-8719.

New sidewalks, crosswalks, or other modifications to pedestrian routes are reviewed in the context of precinct and/or transportation planning and may be implemented by either FMD or OUA, depending upon the funding source and/or coordination with a larger project. Please direct all questions related to new improvements to the Work Management Center for further review.

I need some work done quickly due to a special event in the building or some other function. What do I do?

Campus Reservations is responsible for handling the scheduling of all special events and space reservations on campus. More information is available at Campus Reservations.

If additional building services are needed to clean the room after the event, Campus Reservations will contact the Work Management Center to coordinate that effort.

What types of services are provided by the Office of University Architects for Facilities Planning-OUA?

OUA is responsible for the development and management of the campus master plan, including transportation planning, historic preservation planning, environmental planning, and precinct planning; the development and management of campus site design and architectural standards; GIS management of existing conditions; and the coordination and project management of major capital projects for all of the UGA campuses across the state. OUA ensures projects are approved at all the appropriate levels and are in agreement with the 2008 Physical Master Plan. This plan continues to increase the density of buildings on main campus, while also contributing significant green space. Enhancements to the core include building renovations to the historic north campus, student life in the central precinct, science facilities on south campus, expansion of the arts and student housing on east campus, and pedestrian improvements throughout.

OUA can assist you with both interior and exterior projects. Based on the probable cost of the project or if there is a room use change you may need to submit a Facilities Project Initiation Form (FPIF). Construction Administration is a shared responsibility of both FMD and OUA depending on the size and scope of the project. UGA Project Managers oversee all aspects of the construction project from the bid to final inspections.

Can I directly hire or engage my own architect, engineer, contractor and/or design professional to assist with my project?

OUA is responsible for the development and management of the campus master plan, including transportation planning, historic preservation planning, environmental planning, and precinct planning; the development and management of campus site design and architectural standards; GIS management of existing conditions; and the coordination and project management of major capital projects for all of the UGA campuses across the state. OUA ensures projects are approved at all the appropriate levels and are in agreement with the 2008 Physical Master Plan. This plan continues to increase the density of buildings on main campus, while also contributing significant green space. Enhancements to the core include building renovations to the historic north campus, student life in the central precinct, science facilities on south campus, expansion of the arts and student housing on east campus, and pedestrian improvements throughout.

What is the Facilities Project Initiation Form (FPIF) process?

Facilities projects should align with Institutional as well as University System of Georgia (USG) strategic goals and objectives. Submit a project proposal for consideration.

How do I initiate a project to upgrade / modernize classroom, lab or office?

Submit a Project Initiation Form for a new project. Additionally, departments may apply once a year for submission for funds for projects through the Major Repairs and Rehabilitation (MRR) program and more information is available at MRR Program Guidelines. For classroom specific projects, an application may also be submitted once a year for Classroom Enhancement funds.

Our department has serious space needs. Who do I contact for additional space assignment?

All space related decisions are managed by the Director of Space Management. Please visit the Space Management site more information.

Requests for space should be sent to Space Management using the Request for Allocation of Space form.

Our office, classroom or lab needs technology upgrades?

For technology related upgrades, contact the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at 706-542-3456. For additional information, please visit CTL Classroom Support and/or CTL Facilities Planning.

My renovation may involve the relocation or disposal of hazardous materials. Who do I contact for instructions related to hazardous materials?

Renovations that will require the relocation or disposal of hazardous materials should be coordinated by with the Environmental Safety Division by the responsible unit prior to any renovation work beginning. Contact the Environmental Safety Division (ESD) at 706-542-5801. For more information, please visit ESD Hazardous Materials.

We are an outside vendor and are interested in the possibility of bidding an upcoming projects at the University of Georgia. Could you tell me the best way to identify forthcoming projects at UGA?

The best way to find upcoming projects at UGA is to monitor the State’s Procurement Registry at

For more information regarding a specific project you may contact the University’s Procurement Office directly at 706-542-2361.

What are some of the ways to fund a project?

Funds must be pre-identified in order to submit a project for authorization, no facility work may begin until all funding is known and in-hand. There are several methods available to UGA for funding a capital project (state appropriations, private gifts, general institutional, etc.) and projects are often a mix of several funding sources.

UGA maintains a 5-year Capital Outlay Plan which helps identify future facility and infrastructure requirements necessary to best serve the University’s overall Strategic Mission. The plan is revised regularly and during this process it is thoroughly examined by stakeholders in diverse disciplines of the campus community. The University System of Georgia accumulates the capital plan of each institution and uses this information to develop their annual capital budget recommendations which are then submitted to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget for consideration.

Please contact the UGA Budget Office, Capital Budgeting unit at 706-542-2802 for additional information regarding project funding options and/or the capital outlay plan.

What are MRR Funds? Are these funds available for my departmental needs?

The University System of Georgia owns and manages over 44 million square feet of instructional space. Major Repair and Rehabilitation (MRR) funds, which are requested annually as part of the USG capital budget recommendations, help preserve the value, integrity, and effectiveness of this extensive physical inventory. These funds work in conjunction with maintenance and operations (M&O) funds and capital funds (for large or comprehensive renovation projects) to fulfill the USG institutions’ overall physical inventory stewardship responsibilities and protect the State of Georgia’s investment in higher education facilities.

For additional information about the MRR program please visit MRR Program Guidelines.

Please contact the UGA Budget Office, Capital Budgeting unit at 706-542-2802 for additional information regarding individual MRR requests and/or the University’s MRR review process.

What are MRR Funds? Are these funds available for my departmental needs?

The University System of Georgia owns and manages over 44 million square feet of instructional space. Major Repair and Rehabilitation (MRR) funds, which are requested annually as part of the USG capital budget recommendations, help preserve the value, integrity, and effectiveness of this extensive physical inventory. These funds work in conjunction with maintenance and operations (M&O) funds and capital funds (for large or comprehensive renovation projects) to fulfill the USG institutions’ overall physical inventory stewardship responsibilities and protect the State of Georgia’s investment in higher education facilities.

For additional information about the MRR program please visit MRR Program Guidelines.

Please contact the UGA Budget Office, Capital Budgeting unit at 706-542-2802 for additional information regarding individual MRR requests and/or the University’s MRR review process.

How do I install equipment in my laboratory?

It is important to note certain types of equipment draw upon or discharge to building systems (electrical, sanitary sewer, water, ventilation, etc.) [e.g., an autoclave, MRI scanner, BSC, fume hood, vacuum pump, freezer, deionized water or specialized lighting]. For more information on how to proceed see (Authority to Perform work link).

In the News

Three people at Resource Fair
The Arch with the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building behind it.