The Finance and Administration Staff Representative Group (FASRG) is a collection of elected staff members representing each department within Finance and Administration. Each representative is dedicated to maintaining open communication among all staff members and Finance and Administration leaders. Furthermore, this organization strives for unity and collaborations across Finance and Administration.
Objectives of the FASRG
- To provide a forum for the introduction of staff related concerns and activities in relation to Finance and Administration
- To discuss any concerns and determine whether an item can be resolved within Finance and Administration
- To make recommendations that a staff-related concern be introduced to the University of Georgia Staff Council
We welcome input from our Finance and Administration colleagues on activities or matters relating to a unit, division, or the University at large. If you have an item you would like to see addressed at our next meeting, please contact your department’s FASRG representative to include the item on the agenda. In addition, all F&A staff members are welcome to attend FASRG meetings. Please contact your representative to confirm the meeting time and location if you plan to attend.
Finance and Administration organization chart and the groups represented by the F&A SRG