Interested in joining the FASRG?
Individuals who meet the qualifications listed below and are willing and able to dedicate the time to the position should contact their supervisor for nomination to be the FASRG Representative from his/her department.

The Finance and Administration Staff Representative Group, in consultation with the individual’s supervisor, will review the nomination form to ensure the individual has the time available to dedicate to the position. Should there be more than one qualified nomination for the FASRG Representative position within the department, an election will be held where the classified employees will vote on whom they wish to represent their interests.

Individuals seeking nomination to be the FASRG Representative must:

  • Be classified staff employees of Finance and Administration within the department they will represent
  • Have completed the six month probationary period
  • Have the time available to dedicate to the position, in addition to performing their regular duties
  • Be available to serve for a renewable two-year term.

SRG Meetings: The FASRG meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm. All meetings will be held on Zoom until further notice.

In the News

Three people at Resource Fair
The Arch with the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building behind it.