New to F&A Day is a day-long event designed for new members of Finance and Administration (F&A) who have joined any F&A unit during the previous fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). The goal of this event is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the breadth and scope of Finance and Administration at the University of Georgia, create meaningful opportunities for new staff to connect with F&A leadership, colleagues, and community members, and introduce participants to the vibrant community they are now a part of.

New to F&A Day welcomes new staff to Finance and Administration

The concept of ‘New to F&A Day’ came from a recommendation through the Finance and Administration Staff Representative Group. The event is supported by the Office of the Vice President and is created and implemented annually by the division-wide Finance and Administration New to F&A Day Committee.

Attendance is capped at 80 participants to ensure an enriching experience. Each F&A unit is allocated spots to guarantee representation, and virtual participation is available for select sessions to accommodate those unable to attend in person.

All event invitees will receive welcome bags packed with valuable resources. For the 80 attendees, bags will be distributed during the event. Remaining eligible F&A staff will receive their bags from New to F&A Day Committee members during the event week.

Participant feedback
“I appreciate the thoughtfulness of the event. I feel a part of the family now that I’ve spent a little more time on campus.”
“Really fostered a feeling of camaraderie between the departments introducing what each does, how we are interconnected, how we come together to make this university all it can be. Boosted employee morale and purpose.”
“I loved New to F&A Day. It was outstanding! If I could do it again, I would.”
“It was very informative, and even though I went to school here, I still learned new and fascinating things about UGA.”

Below is information which may be useful to staff members new to the University and Athens and even to those who are not:

UGA Faculty & Staff Resource Page

Finance & Administration organization chart

In the News

Three people at Resource Fair
The Arch with the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building behind it.